In the above, notice that the TWIN command now specifies three components. A BASF line, with
two fractions for the 2nd and 3rd components is also included. The 'LIST 8' instruction tells
SHELXL to write a detwinned fcf file that includes the following information for each
h, k, l, Fo2, σ(Fo2), Fc2, φc, d, σshelx
On running this refinement, the usual SHELXL output statistics show an R-value
of about 9% (below). That's not so great, but for this exercise it should be fine.
The CIF-format junk in the header of this
fcf file is useless to us, so remove it using
a text editor. For the diffraction data, we only need the first five fields for each reflection,
formatted as '3I4, 2F8.2' to read into
XPREP. The conversion is trivial using a simple
awk one liner ...
awk '{printf "%4d%4d%4d%8.2f%8.2f\n", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' 9mj.fcf > 9mj-detwin.hkl
... which generates a detwinned
hkl file:
This detwinned dataset is available here:
In part 5, we'll use this detwinned dataset to figure out a strategy to complete the structure.