A three-fold twin in B21

4/7: Detwin in SHELXL

Our plan is to use the 'good enough' model in space group P21 to detwin the dataset using 'LIST 8' in SHELXL. The header of the 'good enough' res file should look like this:


In the above, notice that the TWIN command now specifies three components. A BASF line, with two fractions for the 2nd and 3rd components is also included. The 'LIST 8' instruction tells SHELXL to write a detwinned fcf file that includes the following information for each reflection:

h, k, l, Fo2, σ(Fo2), Fc2, φc, d, σshelx

On running this refinement, the usual SHELXL output statistics show an R-value of about 9% (below). That's not so great, but for this exercise it should be fine.


The important stuff is in the file 9mj.fcf, the first few lines of which look like this:


The CIF-format junk in the header of this fcf file is useless to us, so remove it using a text editor. For the diffraction data, we only need the first five fields for each reflection, formatted as '3I4, 2F8.2' to read into XPREP. The conversion is trivial using a simple awk one liner ...
awk '{printf "%4d%4d%4d%8.2f%8.2f\n", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' 9mj.fcf > 9mj-detwin.hkl

... which generates a detwinned hkl file:


This detwinned dataset is available here:

In part 5, we'll use this detwinned dataset to figure out a strategy to complete the structure.

1: Introduction
2: Set up instructions using XPREP
3: Solve using P21 with SHELXD
4: Detwin using SHELXL
5: Analyze detwinned dataset using XPREP
6: Three-fold twinning in graphic detail
7: Solve using B21 with SHELXD

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