
Routine MoKα data collection
Data collection for a well-behaved crystal

Structure solution and refinement
A straightforward structure: sucrose

Simple disorder
A case of simple disorder: sorbose

Whole-molecule disorder
Modelling and refinement of whole-molecule disorder

Two-fold twinning by pseudo-merohedry
Solution and refinement of a pseudo-merohedric twin

Three-fold reticular pseudo-hexagonal twinning in B 21
An unusual case mitigated by an unconventional space group setting

Four-fold reticular pseudo-tetragonal twinning via an I-supercell
Includes manual construction of an 'HKLF 5' format datafile

Combined twinning and disorder
Uric acid dihydrate - a classic! Includes FRAG...FEND example

Crystals and crystal growth
Elementary physical chemistry of crystal growth

Electron density and Fourier theory
A brief introduction to electron density modelling
'How-to' instructions

Some thoughts on SHELXL weights
Or, what to do if the WGHT 'b ' parameter is too big

Shelxtl XP on a Mac
How to make XP work on macOS 10.7.x -- 12.2 (and OSX 10.5.x -- 10.6.8)